Friday, July 18, 2008

home in alabama!

Well we made it to Alabama. The trip was as exciting as you might expect. I am so glad my parents were able to come with us and take the older two children. Matt and I only had Olivia, yet we still up on the short end of the deal! We are still waiting on our stuff from the movers. They should be here on Monday, so we are all anxiously waiting for that. I think I am finished sleeping on air mattresses and living out of a suitcases. But I can't complain, it's better than sleeping on the floor or having to pay for a hotel. Our house is so cute. The best military housing I have ever lived in. And the Army seems to be nicer than the Marine Corps, but it's still early so we'll see how it goes. I will put pics of the house up when I get a little more time.


Jennifer said...

Hey Sarah! Well, I'm glad you made it there safely but I'm really sad you're gone. I wish we would have been able to get together one more time before you left. Well, at least you have a blog now. This is the best way to keep in touch.
Well, I hope you enjoy it there. You should post some pictures soon. I would love to see what it looks like over there.

Tarah said...


So Matt joined the Army! Sean's supposed to get out of the Marine Corps soon, I'm wondering if we'll end up back in another branch too! :-) Good luck with the new change in Georgia.